With Lad and Lilly at Glacier Nat. park, Montana, 2020.

Morning patrol for squirrels. They do a good job, I have yet to be attacked by a squirrel.

Lace helping out at the office

Lucky falling asleep after a looong staff meeting.

Casey cleaning up after the workers at her new home.

On the McKenzie river in Oregon in, July, 2013.

Lady taking a swim the first time she had been on a river.

Much to my surprise Casey jumped in for a swim. She preferred the “dog paddle” over the “breast stroke”.
Spotting Trout for me on the Methow river in Washington state, July, 2013.
The pups visiting with me at work.

Cody hanging out at the office.
Granddaughter MacKenzie, two months old, at Christmas, with one of my pups born right before Thanksgiving.
Lad, waiting for me to return to the office. (Taken by a co-worker).
The gang outside, resting in the shade, while I work in the hot sun.